Established in 2005, Girl & Dug Farm started in an 8-acre cucumber farm as "Lucky Growers" after founders Brian and Agnes Choi were lovingly pushed out of their prior flower business by their children who wanted them to enjoy retirement. Obsessive and hungry to discover, grow, and share produce bordering on mythical, Brian and Agnes' son Aaron succeeded them in 2009 and began curating mind-blowing natural flavors for some of the most influential restaurants, one Chef at a time.  And so came "Girl & Dug Farm," a nod to his daughters and their lovable overweight beagle Dug, and the singular mission to make game-changing ingredients easily accessible and approachable for every kitchen.

Today, we farm a total of approximately 180 acres and employ about 100 workers, serving our unique offerings to chefs nationwide including the top Michelin-starred restaurants in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. Our “Lucky Growers” brand serves nearly all Korean retail markets in the US through retail partners and distributors.


Food feeds our bodies but we rarely consider how it nourishes our mind and soul. Food brings people together. People together create conversation. Conversation among people kindles the understanding of others' culture, and thereby the world, a bit better. This is the intersection of farming and art, where we magnify food's unique superpower to make us whole--body, mind, and soul.

We promote food diversity, practice responsible farming techniques, and cultivate lasting partnerships with the world’s best Chefs because who transform one-of-a-kind raw ingredients into eye opening flavors are all inseparable threads of weaving the future of food and farming.



We believe products are only as good as the company behind them, and companies are only as good as the employees that comprise them. We believe that culture is the sum of every member’s actions that align with the words prescribing them. We don’t always get everything right so we focus on learning how to make things right. Healthy relationships are the key to community and to that end, everything we do as a company places reasonable priority on building, maintaining, and nurturing relationships, be it internally among fellow workers or externally with our customers.